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Be a Demographic Dynamo

No matter what, this business is about people. It’s also about data. Balancing the two is not only essential but mission-critical, according to Harvard Business School. Area demographics and life segments can and do often undergo shifts. Approaching every project with a fresh set of eyes, documented and insightful information, and a keen knack for translating all the data can lead to a successful new community dynamic. It is crucial to have a solid understanding of your target market’s lifestyles and values. This is the key to the authentic reception of your systematic marketing strategy by potential prospects.

Recently, industry leader JPI engaged P11’s assistance as part of their due diligence in preparation for entitlement submittal to the city. The task — to develop a comprehensive demographic and psychographic study for a new luxury multi-family community planned to be located in Oceanside, CA. P11 delved right into the assignment and crafted an exceptionally detailed and influential presentation that successfully framed the target market and benefits of the new multifamily community to the city. The inclusion of “day in the life” personas vividly brought the target marketing to life. Additionally, we conducted an in-depth study on the location, area competition, employers, and lifestyle advantages. The client was able to confidently take this information to the city for the next steps.

This in-depth intelligence and strategic thinking provide the ideal foundation to inspire targeted creativity, effectively launch the community, and continue ongoing marketing that leaves the competition in the dust. It’s time to elevate your targeted marketing with the critical analysis services offered by P11. We are also esteemed and trusted experts in naming studies, positioning books, branding, and more. Explore our comprehensive services, and you will discover that P11 is your all-in-one hub for marketing in the building industry. Let’s talk soon.

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